how to keep slimming

Every morning, we are reluctant to get up and clinging to our bed until the clock stops ringing. Then, we often drink a cup

of coffee of juice as our breakfast and hurry to the office. At lunch, a large ammount of women choose to kill the food in

the office with eyes sticking to the computer screen from time to time. However, all the above habits are not good for our

health, let alone to keep our body slim. Let’s turn to the right choice of our three meals in a day which is popular among

these days.

This suggestion doesn’t mean to request us to go on a diet, neither does it take us a lot of time. Meizitang  will help us to form

the right habit of diet and gradually provide us slimming bodies. And if it is coupled with meizitang botanical slimming 

softgels, the effect will be much better than just have healthy food only.

Please do not forget or ignore our breakfast which is the most important among our three meals. Before eating breakfast, we

can take one pill of meizitang which will boost the metabolism in our body. Have a cup of yogurt or milk coupled with

porridge, cheese sandwiches or salad, we will not feel hungry all the morning and get enough energy all day long.

At lunch, we can take the following food into consideration. The choice ranges from steamed or boiled vegetables to steamed

or baked potatoes, from chicken or turkey to fish and seafood salads, from beans to rice.

Par ellian le mardi 05 juillet 2011


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