Lose weight is good for health

Doctors think, obesity prevention mainly includes three aspects, namely, diet, exercise and medication, among them with diet is most important. Overweight and obesity, should take Meizitang Strong version contain protein foods, such as lean meat, fish, soy products, in addition, can supply fresh vegetables, fruit body plenty of minerals and vitamins also should eat more. Of course, absolutely avoid eating high adipose, high sugar, high heat of various animal fats such as dietary fat, butter, like lard, avoid eating salt or salty food. Especially at night or bedtime avoid have dessert, satiate later nor sleep immediately. In addition, but also avoid coffee or wine, because Meizitang Strong version can stimulate the gastric acid secretion cause appetitive increases, and alcohol heat high, each ml pure alcohol has nearly seven calories.

The editors recommend: 20 food reducing weight diet reduce weight a secret recipe Wallace easily thin with fat says bye-bye

Meizitang botanical slimming Strong version especially suitable for phlegmy wet model fat food:

Meizitang Strong version resolving phlegm, diuresis, scattered stasis. Modern research found that it contains choline substances, be helpful for reducing weight, and can fall blood pressure, fall hematic fat, especially suitable for high blood fat of people, or high blood pressure, Meizitang Strong version syndrome differentiation of phlegmy wet type of obesity.

Par ellian le lundi 18 juillet 2011


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