Formerly, west lake dragon well tea is divided into super level and 1 to 10 class( tatally 11 levels), and super level is
divided into 3 classes, the other levels are then divided into 5 classes. That is to say, it’s difficult to distinguish the
levels of longjing tea, except that you are an expert, who are very familiar with the longjing tea. Until 1995, it is
simplified to super level(only super 2 and super 3 level) and one to four level. And in the same year, Zhejiang longjing tea
is divided into super and one to five level, tatally 6 levels.
Super level —–one shoot and one leaf open up, flat and smooth, with sharp cusp, even and neat, verdancy and some lucency,
long time fregrent. The tie guan yin tea soup presents light green and britght, the tastes are refreshing and mellow, tender shoots are
under leaves.
Level 1—–one shoot and one leaf open up, including one shoot and two leaves open up, comparatively flat and smooth.
Level 2—–one shoot and two leaves open up, comparatively flat.
Level 3—–one shoot and two leaves open up, including a small amount of two leaves with clipping leaves, a little flat.
Level 4—–one shoot and two or three leaves with clipping leaves, a little flat, wide, less of gloss.
Level 5—–one shoot and three leaves with clipping leaves, flat but coarse.
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