Apple plus yogurt- perfect slimming diet

Yogurt can regulate the function of intestine, thus make it difficult for the accumulation of toxins in our body. However,

it is not obvious to see the botanical slimming effects in a short time.

Is yogurt really effective to lose weight?

Yogurt win the favor of customers by its nutrition and good taste. Furthermore, a  meizitang slimming approach named diet yogurt spread

its fame among an increasing number of women.  they consider diet yogurt fast effect, cost effective, less time-consuming.

By eating fresh fruit at breakfast, 250 grams yogurt at lunch and dinner respectively, we can lose at least six to 10 pounds

several days later.

the above statement has yet been approved. another opinion says that yogurt can increase weight much more than milk for the

content of yogurt makes us gain fat by the high ammount of calories. In this case, meizitang botanical slimming softgel is a

perfect choice for weight loss. Also, those who are afraid of obtaing weight should carefully decide whether to drink yogurt

or not.

Is yogurt helpful to lose weight or harmful to gain extra pounds?

a relative professor put forwad that it is impossible to lose weight by drinking yogurt. She thinks it strange that so many

women stick to yogurt as slimming approach. According to her explanation, yogurt can not help us reduce weight. yogurt is

made of lactic acid which forms the special flavor and easy to be absorbed by human body. but it contains the same ammount

of calories with milk. the reason that we lose weight is the gap between the absorption and consumption of calories of our

body. if the gap is minus, then we lose weight. Or else, we will increase our size. to sum up, it is not yogurt itself make

us slim but the consumption of calories. meizitang slimming pills can boost the consumption of calories which will help us

shed weight easily and safely.

Par ellian le mercredi 29 juin 2011


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