Jeudi 30 juin 2011

how to know when we are full

There are several reasons of overweight. For instance, lack of exercises, eat food with high calories, and so on. Among all

these reasons, overeating is the most serious one. once we get rid of the bad habit of overeating, the perfect figure is not

far away from us. Another way is to take meizitang botanical slimming softgels to lose weight.

Then a question comes to our mind, how do we know that we are full or not. As is known to us all, we use alarm clock to

remind us something. When the clock rings, we know that it is time for us to get up, or to have sleep or just do some

important bisuness.the same principle applies to our eating habit. We have two sensors in our bodies already. One is our

stomach which gives us the sense of fullness and the other is our brain which inform us that we are satisfied. Meizitang 

pills can give us a sense of fullness and less our appetite, telling us that we are too full to eat something. What’s more,

we can still do several things to avoid overeating. First and foremost, when we are eating food, remember not to read books

or listening to music, let alone watch tv. All the above things will distract your attention and make you overeat

unconciously. The only thing we need to do is to watch the speed of our eating. Comparing your eating speed with others on

the same table, you will know whether you are eating slow or fast. By eating slowly, we can timely get the signal of

fullness from the brain for the brain only get the sign of satiety 20 minutes later. It is better to drink some soup or

water to less our appetite for food(or take one pill of meizitang 30 minutes before breakfast). If we are full in our

stomach but still feel hungry, it is possible that we are overeat. If we eat quickly, we still feel hungry even we have ate

enough food.

Par ellian - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011

Diet for biz women to keep slim figure

Business women are usually too busy to take some time-consuming measures to keep our figures slim. It is comparatively not

easy for us to ensure the proper intake of nutrition and the certain ammount of time engaging in a fitness club. the

following is a suggestion made for business women concerning the choice of the food in everyday life.

Every morning, we are reluctant to get up and clinging to our bed until the clock stops ringing. Then, we often drink a cup

of coffee of juice as our breakfast and hurry to the office. At lunch, a large ammount of women choose to kill the food in

the office with eyes sticking to the computer screen from time to time. However, all the above habits are not good for our

health, let alone to keep our body slim. Let’s turn to the right choice of our three meals in a day which is popular among

these days.

This suggestion doesn’t mean to request us to go on a diet, neither does it take us a lot of time.  It will help us to form

the right habit of diet and gradually provide us slimming bodies. And if it is coupled with meizitang botanical slimming

softgels, the effect will be much better than just have healthy food only.

Please do not forget or ignore our breakfast which is the most important among our three meals. Before eating breakfast, we

can take one pill of meizitang which will boost the metabolism in our body. Have a cup of yogurt or milk coupled with

porridge, cheese sandwiches or salad, we will not feel hungry all the morning and get enough energy all day long.

At lunch, we can take the following food into consideration. The choice ranges from steamed or boiled vegetables to steamed

or baked potatoes, from chicken or turkey to fish and seafood salads, from beans to rice.

During the evening, we’d better eat less and the vegetables only. They have low calorie and high ammount of complex

carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates makes us feel satisfactory and full.  So does the botanical slimming softgels. we

can supplement the dinner with carrots, white cabbage, zucchini, eggplant and etc.  

Par ellian - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011

How to Choose Longjing Tea

The original Dragon Well Tea came from Lion Peak Mountain in West Lake (Xi Hu). Due to its popularity, Dragon Well Tea is

now cultivated throughout China. Today any tea that is produced using the same technique is called Longjing.

Two Points to Teach You the Way to Choose Longjing Tea:

1: To know when the tea is picked:

The best Dragon Well Tea is gathered several days before Qingming (Pure Brightness, 5th solar term) when new twigs have just

begun to grow and carry “one leaf and a bud.” To make one kilogram (2.2lb) of finished tea, 60, 000 tender leaves have to

be plucked. In the old days Dragon Well tea of this grade was meant solely for the imperial household; it was, therefore,

known as “tribute tea”. That is one of the many reasons why Dragon Well Tea is so precious. Dragon Well Tea can only be

produced for 6 weeks a year. A good tea picker can harvest only 2 kilograms of fresh leaves in 10 hour a day.

2: To know the way and how much time to roast the tea:

Once the tie guan yin tea shoots are harvested, they must be roasted the same day. After picking the tea is “withered”, the tea is

spread thinly to dry for 8 to 10 hours to remove moisture and reduce any grassy or bitter flavor. Once the tea is

sufficiently dried, it is “Roasted”. Roaster usually uses bare hands to roast tea to feel his work. It is an extremely hot

job and takes novices many years to harden their hands so that they do not feel the heat. Watching an experienced roaster

dry the tea is like watching a martial art master. It takes a novice over 5 years to master 10 hand required movements to

dry the tea. A master roaster can only fry 1 kilogram of high grade Longjing Tea each day. After roasting, the freshly

processed Dragon Well tea is ready to drink.

Par ellian - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011

Cultivation techniques of Anxi tie guan yin tea

The Anxi Tie Guan Yin tea in Fujian is now in pollution-free cultivation, while the most critical technical measure is to

master the garden soil management and fertilization technology.

The technology of tea garden soil management

Technical measures of soil tillage and effective roles

The pollution-free tea garden emphasis much more on moderate and deep cultivating.Moderate cultivation usually being

conducted before the spring tea, once a year with the depth from 10-15cm, which is good for the germination and new leaves

growing of the spring tea.The deep cultivation usually conducted once or twice a year has a strong effect on aging and

promoting soil, thickening live soil, and decreasing pests.However, the deep cultivation may easily break the tree roots, so

it is a high-tech measure and harder to master. It requires flexible cultivating times.Deep cultivations in all types of tea

gardens are being conducted after the autumn dragon well tea ( winter), together with the spraying lime sulfur and comprehensively

cleaning work.

The technical measure of soil covering

After the shallow plowing, picking the safe, clean and pollution-free straw and weeds to cover the soil 10cm far from the

root before the drought. The cover is required to be uniform and thickness of 8-10cm and the soil should not be seen.In the

tea gardens on the sloping fields, people put the cover in horizontal direction, which may protect from the straight rush of

rain, as well prevent the cover accumulating when rain water flows.Deep cultivation in autumn and winter may not only turn

the covers over into the bottom to be fertilizers but also prevent weeds and soil erosion, so that may adjust the earth

temperature to promote growing.

Par ellian - 0 commentaire(s)le 30 juin 2011
Mercredi 29 juin 2011

The levels of Chinese dragon well tea

Formerly, west lake dragon well tea is divided into super level and 1 to 10 class( tatally 11 levels), and super level is

divided into 3 classes, the other levels are then divided into 5 classes. That is to say, it’s difficult to distinguish the

levels of longjing tea, except that you are an expert, who are very familiar with the longjing tea. Until 1995, it is

simplified to super level(only super 2 and super 3 level) and one to four level. And in the same year, Zhejiang longjing tea

is divided into super and one to five level, tatally 6 levels.

Super level —–one shoot and one leaf open up, flat and smooth, with sharp cusp, even and neat, verdancy and some lucency,

long time fregrent. The tie guan yin tea soup presents light green and britght, the tastes are refreshing and mellow, tender shoots are

under leaves.

Level 1—–one shoot and one leaf open up, including one shoot and two leaves open up, comparatively flat and smooth.

Level 2—–one shoot and two leaves open up, comparatively flat.

Level 3—–one shoot and two leaves open up, including a small amount of two leaves with clipping leaves, a little flat.

Level 4—–one shoot and two or three leaves with clipping leaves, a little flat, wide, less of gloss.

Level 5—–one shoot and three leaves with clipping leaves, flat but coarse.

Par ellian - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 juin 2011

Nine essentials of drinking Tie Guan Yin tea

1. Sound. Take small amount of Tie Guan Yin tea leaves into the pot and you’ll hear the voice of “koudang koudang”, the

high-quality tea is with a ringing sound while the secondary with a hoarse voice.

  2. Aroma. The aroma of Tie Guan Yin tea belongs to the fougere, like orchids in the empty valley with a timeless

fragrance, which may give people a poetic sense of elegance and tranquility.

  3. Taste. The taste is very rich, but not strong astringent or greasy. The aftertaste is sweet, like a poem by Lu You said

“the sweetness stays on the tongue all the day”.

  4. Color. The Dragon Well Tea water is golden yellow, rich and gaudy clear. After brewing the leaves are hypertrophy and

bright (one of the characteristics of Tie Guan Yin tea leaves are dorsal rolled) with a shiny silk surface.

  5. Resistance of brewing. (Tie Guan Yin, after many times brewing, the aroma, taste, tea water should keep consistently).

The Tie Guan Yin with keeping quality is high-quality.

  6. Meanwhile, in conjunction with the specific circumstances of different seasons, hills and styles, so as to carry out a

more comprehensive judgement of Tie Guan Yin tea.

Par ellian - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 juin 2011
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